Saturday, September 25, 2010

Kelly & Kim & Kiddos

Love taking pictures of family!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Adam: Senior 2011

This session was a lot of fun. Adam brought his bow along and posed with his car too. So cool that Adam's senior pictures can reflect him and his interests. Thanks for a great session Adam!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Kamarie: Senior 2011

Kamarie and her mom introduced me to this awesome location that I was unaware of. Love it! There are SO many great spots for pics (can't wait to suggest this spot for family pics.) but the only problem is there just isn't enough time for it all in one night! But I guess that's really a good thing.....right?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Saturday, October 9
20-30 minute session
10 proofs online to pick from for 50 Christmas cards and 1 8x10 print
All additional prints 10% off

Please e-mail me or call #616-566-9594 if you are interested in booking a mini session. Please pass along this info to anyone you think may be interested. (I hope to post examples of the Christmas cards soon)